

What is so special about studying in Rome? 

The Rome Program provides multiple answers to this question. Although only a limited 在罗马开设了许多课程,所有这些课程都是为了最大限度地提高学生的学习能力 了解欧洲文明的根源和发展. Some class periods 在特拉华大学Due Santi校区的四面墙内进行,而其他的则在外面进行 archaeological sites and in museums. Some classes are dedicated to an intense and 对罗马和意大利历史的深入了解,同时 其他报告则探讨了增长和发展所固有的更广泛的主题和问题 of Western Civilization. Academic excursions, visiting lectures, and two substantial 团体旅游——一个去希腊,另一个去意大利北部——使富人更加富有 academic program on offer.

罗马校区的课程设计与核心课程无缝衔接, 是所有特拉华大学学生的必修课,并充分利用特拉华大学独特的环境 they are taught. Taught by UD professors, the courses are selected from those core 课程要求与哲学,神学, 西方文明的政治、文学和艺术发展.

从罗马学期回来的学生通常会描述他们的学术经历 in glowing terms. 他们说:“这是特拉华大学核心课程汇集的地方 对我来说.“罗马学术项目的成功归结为两个基本因素 things: first, superior teaching; and second, the combination of reading great books 亲眼目睹世界上最具历史意义和最非凡的地方 works of art and architecture.

Fall and Spring Course Offerings

Core 课程 Additional One Credit Course Offerings (May Vary) Additional Three Credit Course Offerings (May Vary)
ENG 2311: Literary Tradition III MIT 1101: Italian Culture and Conversation ("Survival Italian") MIT 1302: First-Year Italian II (Spring)
HIS 2301: Western Civilization I GST 1106: Marino Volunteer Project MIT 2311: Second-Year Italian I (Fall)
PHI 2323: The Human Person GST 1V40: Marino Theater Project (Spring) MIT 2312: Second Year Italian II (Spring) 
THE 2311: Western Theological Tradition CLL 3V50: Latin Readings (Spring) CLG 3325: Greek Historians (Spring)
ART 2311: Art & Architecture of Rome    


Summer Rome Course Offerings

暑期罗马项目有“暑期1”、“暑期2”和“暑期”三个课程选择 3."

第一和第二阶段的学生将获得6个学分,而第二阶段的学生将获得6个学分 3 will take 12 credits. 

课程 Sessions Offered Course Dates
Western Civilization I Sessions 1 and 3 May 14 - July 8
Western Theological Tradition Sessions 1 and 3 May 14 - July 8
Art and Architecture Sessions 2 and 3 June 21 - August 7
Literary Tradition III Sessions 2 and 3 June 21 - August 7


Class Trips

Greece Trip

The Greece Trip is one of the highlights of the Rome Semester. 这 is a ten-day trip 这让学生们去了一些最伟大的城市和最丰富的古代遗址 包括德尔福、雅典、科林斯、迈锡尼、埃皮达鲁斯和奥林匹亚. The study 古希腊文学是特拉华大学独特的本科课程的基石之一 education and Core Curriculum. UD Rome's Greece Trip in turn brings these studies 生活.

罗马的课程让学生沉浸在古希腊艺术、文学、 历史和哲学在学期的前几周,在他们学习之前 of Ancient Rome, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Coming in week five or six of 罗马学期,希腊之旅的时间安排与他们的早期阶段相吻合 学习,因此它代表了每个学生遇到的高潮 Ancient Greece. In addition to its focus on the distant past, the trip also offers 参加者有机会更熟悉现代希腊文化和希腊文化 society through a number of scheduled music and dance events.

特拉华大学的教授们带领这次旅行,在现场提供深入的讲座,并组织学生 performances and special cultural events along the way. Over thirty years of collective 在希腊的经历使希腊之行成为一次极好的旅行和学习经历.

Northern Italy Trip

北意大利之旅标志着罗马学期的一个重要转折点. 这 七天的行程包括在欧洲三个最具历史意义的城市过夜——佛罗伦萨, Venice and Assisi. It is scheduled during the later weeks of the semester in order 利用学期课程的自然过渡时期. 古希腊和罗马为基督教的诞生腾出了空间中世纪 the Renaissance and the awakening of the modern world. The Northern Italy Trip is a perfect way to explore these periods to their very fullest. Lectures, guided walks, 参观博物馆和大量的自由探索时间是最重要的 把中世纪和文艺复兴时期伟大的历史和艺术珍品带到这里的钥匙 cities alive. 从本质上讲,北意大利之旅邀请学生们把他们的 充分关注文化、政治和宗教的历史性转变 the ancient to modern world.

中世纪和文艺复兴时期无与伦比的艺术和建筑作品 a mainstay of the trip. 访问s to world-class museums such as the Uffizi and the Accademia 佛罗伦萨或威尼斯总督府让学生直接接触到 many of the great masters of the European past. The trip also includes a visit to the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi.

这次旅行的另一个吸引人的地方是它对罗马天主教思想的关注 European intellectual tradition in which it is situated. St. Francis of Assisi and 但丁在这一传统中占有重要地位,马基雅维利、菲西诺和列奥纳多也是如此. 这些和其他历史人物的纪念碑今天仍然可以在学生面前看到 一心想回到欧洲思想史的根源.

The Southern Italy Trip
意大利南部充满了历史、文化遗产和令人惊叹的自然景观. 为期三天的旅行将带领学生们沿着意大利南部海岸进入坎帕尼亚和 then to Puglia.  They are guided through the ancient and archeological wonders of 庞贝和帕埃斯图姆以及那不勒斯的国家考古博物馆. Together 与教师,学生探索波西塔诺和阿马尔菲,同时享受一个宏伟的船 ride along the coast. A final stop in Puglia at the shrine of St. Padre Pio concludes the trip. 

教师-led Day Trips
是什么让罗马吸引了观众、学生、游客, the expatriate, and the pilgrim? Why did the ancients believe that all thoroughfares terminated at the place where the Tiber River bends? Why did the medieval Romans believe that they lived in the Eternal City? Why did Renaissance Romans strive so valiantly to revive ancient arts and knowledge? How have past and present been intricately entwined to produce one of the contemporary world's most fascinating cities?

这些问题将在ART 2311: ART的所有现场参观中得到解决 以及云顶集团(University of Dallas)每学期开设的“罗马建筑”课程 罗马校区和设计,以帮助学生了解当今的城市在 which they spend their semester and Rome of the past. Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque and Modern Rome are the subjects of this course.

这个班每周开两次课:每周在教室里讨论一次 广泛的历史趋势为罗马的艺术和建筑纪念碑提供了背景, 学生们每周去一次罗马,用当地的语言练习艺术史方法 museums, churches, and archaeological sites.


  • The Roman Forum
  • The Capitoline Museums
  • The Colosseum
  • The Vatican Museums
  • The Galleria Borghese
  • The Churches of San Clemente, Santa Costanza and Agnese