Academic Advising for Freshman

Academic Advising for Freshman

Academic Advising for Freshman

This page applies to incoming freshman students with dual-credit courses; a different 程序和标准适用于已经在云顶集团就读的学生 to transfer a course from another institution.

General Information

  • 尚未被特拉华大学录取的准学生没有资格获得奖学金 a credit evaluation. 
  • 特拉华大学只接受32个学院/大学学分的组合 AP credits from incoming freshmen students. Therefore, if you have taken over 32 credits, we will accept and deny credits with our best judgment. 
  • Only courses with grades of C- or higher may transfer. Courses in which a grade lower than C- is earned will not transfer.
  • Submission of your final transcript is required. Evaluations do not include any courses that are listed as courses in progress. Evaluations are subject to change upon receipt of additional transcripts or AP test scores.
  • 在非认可的学院或大学完成的工作获得学分,学生 必须先修满24个学分,平均成绩为C (2.0) at UD.
  • 如果您有任何疑问,请联系转学顾问, German J. Lopez.

Please keep the following in mind:

  1. 双学分的学分评估是对最近的大学成绩单的审查 特拉华大学收到的,在学生被特拉华大学录取后提供给学生. Prospective 尚未被特拉华大学录取的学生没有资格获得学分 evaluation.
  2. 对于寻求双学分的新生,特拉华大学只接受32所学院/大学的组合 credits and AP credits from incoming freshmen students. Therefore, if you have taken over 32 credits, we will accept and deny credits with our best judgment.
    特拉华大学接受最多12小时的高级学分(i.e. junior and senior-level courses).
  3. 评估不包括任何被列为正在进行的课程.
    注册前需要提交最终成绩单. Failure to 提交完成课程的最终成绩单可能会导致行政处分 hold or being administratively withdrawn from UD.
  4. 在收到额外的成绩单或AP测试后,评估可能会发生变化 分数,院长办公室将为您提供最终的官方信用评估.
  5. 如果您有任何疑问,请联系转学顾问, German J. Lopez.

Academic Advising for Dual Credit

下面列出的核心课程课程是所有本科生的必修课程 at the University of Dallas. 确定了转移学分的标准 by academic departments. 在许多情况下,课程大纲和阅读书目是 需要从班级考虑,以确定可能的学分. Courses that 不符合标准的还可以作为选修学分转入吗. (After meeting 大多数特拉华大学学生需要少于15个选修学分. 因此,在许多普通选修课上转学可能对取得进步没有帮助 toward graduation.) 

Economics – Three hours required

ECO 1311结合了微观经济理论,宏观经济理论和伦理/道德 implications of economic theory.  Credit for the economics Core requirement can be 已完成微观经济学原理的学生可获授予 and a principles of macroeconomics course.

English – 12 hours required

在特拉华大学必须修6个小时(几乎都是文学传统I) & II. Literary Tradition 课程是文学课程,有很强的写作成分,而不是写作课程。.

以下课程可能会被考虑为文学传统的转学分 III & IV:

  • Literature – Dramatic tragedy and comedy courses*
  • Literary – Novel courses

Fine Arts – Three hours required


  • History of Art, Music or Theater
  • History of Art and Architecture*

专注于艺术史而不是艺术鉴赏的课程更有可能 to transfer.

History – 12 hours required

The following courses will usually transfer:

  • American History I, beginning to 1877
  • American History II, 1877 to present
  • 西方文明史第一时期,开始于宗教改革时期*
  • Western Civilization II, Reformation to Post-WWII

Language – Up to 12 hours required

六小时的二年级语言课程或同等学历 exam, AP or IB credit required. To qualify for the second-year level, a student must do one of the following:

  • Take first-year language at UD
  • 通过要求的分班考试进入第二年的课程


Math – Three to four hours required


  • Calculus (four-credit course)
  • 欧几里得和非欧几里得几何(强调数学的发展) 思考和推理而不是技能展示)
  • Statistics

在线数学课程可以在学生通过考试后计入学分 以验证在线课程的完整性.

College Algebra is not accepted for transfer. Precalculus is accepted as elective credit but not as fulfilling a Core requirement.

Philosophy – Nine hours required

特拉华大学PHI 1301哲学和伦理生活课程的学分转换需要有 选了一门课,包括柏拉图的《云顶集团4008om》和亚里士多德的《理想国 Nicomachean Ethics.

Politics – Three hours required

特拉华大学的核心课程包括一门政治哲学课程,阅读托克维尔的著作 Democracy in America and other documents from the founding era. Because of its nature, a traditional US 政府类通常不被视为转移等价物. 

Science – Eight hours required (including labs)

一门生物科学和一门物理科学,每门都需要一个实验室 all students and may be transferred.


  • Non-majors biology course with an accompanying lab
  • General Biology I or II with labs
  • Environmental Science with lab


  • Astronomy with lab
  • General Chemistry I and II with labs
  • 非主修物理或化学课程,并附有实验
  • General Physics with lab

Theology – Six hours required

由于特拉华大学核心神学课程的独特内容,建议转学生 to fulfill the theology requirement at the university. A scripture course, however, may be considered for THE 1310 Understanding the Bible.



以下内容适用于商学院的学分转换. They do not satisfy the undergraduate math requirement.

Financial Accounting
Finite Math
特拉华大学的BUS 1301商业基础课程是所有商业专业的必修课程 accepted as transfer.


心理学概论课程可以转换为普通心理学. The PSY 1311心理学基础课程是特拉华大学所有心理学专业的必修课程 is not accepted as transfer.

*通常在罗马校区学习的课程. Students who choose to 参加罗马计划的学生将获得这些学分作为选修学分. 选择不参加罗马课程的学生可以转学分 applied to the Core requirements.