Counseling Staff - Student Affairs - University of Dallas

Counseling Staff - Student Affairs - University of Dallas


真正的关怀是由生活斗争中的希望、治愈和韧性所激发的 into human flourishing, leading to a more deeply enriched community.


Alphabetically, by title.


UDCC Case Manager & AdminAnna Sales, BA

Haggar University Center, Second Floor

安娜于2022年从加拿大阿尔伯塔搬到德克萨斯州,以发展他们的家庭事工. She 毕业于菲律宾米里亚姆学院,获得传播学学位,a Catholic 致力于培养积极有效的女性领导者的机构 agents of social change.She is a wife, mother and grandmother. Anna has over 20 years of professional experience in administration, education and social services case management. Outside of work and ministry, she enjoys spending time with her family, traveling and reading. Anna is happy to help you with most questions about the UDCC and the OSA. She is looking forward to assisting you. Feel free to stop by and say hello!

*Difficulties scheduling? Can't find a time that works? Unsure if therapy is for you? Need resources like food, shelter, safety?
**OR -如果你有问题,你不知道从哪里开始,联系安娜 see what options would be best for you!


Johnathan SumpterJohnathan Sumpter, MBA, MA, LPC-S

Office: Haggar University Center 340

Johnathan Sumpter, MBA, MA, LPC-S, NCC, is a graduate of West Texas A&M with a Bachelor 马奎特大学心理学专业文学硕士,心理咨询专业文学硕士, 以及云顶集团的工商管理硕士学位 in health services management. He also attended the University of Dallas as an undergrad seminarian in the early 2000s. He is a licensed professional counselor and a national certified counselor. He is a husband and father, and his family is his joy. He wants to help all students find their joy in life as well. Jonathan's 临床观点已被告知工作在各种临床设置:提供 心理教育团体和儿童心理辅助临床评估 评估中心,与有发育障碍的个人和他们的 家庭,在医院新生儿重症监护室提供婚姻和家庭咨询 护理室和急症护理室,在内城门诊中心提供心理治疗, 一个精神病院,一个戒毒中心,还有自己的精神健康服务 businesses.


Catherine BrocketteCatherine A. Brockette, MA, LPC 

Catherine Brockette是一名持牌专业咨询师,她对支持充满热情 others on their journey. Originally from Southern California, Catherine earned her B.A. in Psychology from the University of Southern California and her M.A. in Psychology from American University in Washington, D.C. Catherine has worked as a teen and family 为法庭推荐和裁决的青少年治疗师,并已设计和实施 arts and education programs for youth in North Texas; including a life skills program. 凯瑟琳接受过认知行为疗法和认知处理的临床培训 治疗、自杀风险评估和动机性访谈. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Metrocare. There, she counseled veterans, youth, and families 重点关注焦虑、抑郁、创伤后应激障碍、适应问题和自杀风险评估 and prevention. She has served students and their families at Bishop Lynch High School as a counselor and musical theater director (another passion!). Catherine lives with her husband, daughter, and two dogs.

Susan Ghalibaf

Susan Ghalibaf, LCSW

Susan Ghalibaf,城市生活垃圾,城市生活垃圾,毕业于德克萨斯大学系统,获得文学学士学位 in Sociology in 1991 and MSW in 1998. She has been licensed for over 20 years. Her 临床经验包括在长老会医院的精神科住院治疗 Plano as well as outpatient therapy in various clinical settings. Susan specializes in providing therapy services to adolescents, young adults and families. She strives 以安全和包容的方式提供与文化相关和敏感的治疗. 此外,由于她在不同的国家旅行和生活,她会说三种语言. Susan cherishes her time with her husband and two adult children. 


Debbie K

Debbie Kaluza, LPC-Associate

Supervised by David Mora, LPC-S
Fluent in English and Spanish.

戴比毕业于云顶集团,获得天主教教育硕士学位 Leadership.  Before she started counseling she spent many years as a Teacher and as a Children's Ministry Director.  Debbie has a Masters degree in Christian Counseling and a Masters degree in Professional Counseling from Amberton University.  She has 热情帮助人们发现和培养他们的天赋,感觉特别好 blessed to be working with the students at U.D. Debbie is fluent in Spanish and enjoys interacting with and learning about different cultures. She is a wife, mother, and 她相信她的生活经历是她最大的优势之一 a Counselor.

Tommy T

Tommy Tellson, M.Ed., MA, LMFT-A, LPC-Associate

Supervised by Chris Stravitsch, D.Min, LPC-S, LMFT-S

汤米毕业于山姆休斯顿州立大学,获得临床学位,主修工程学 作为一名本科生,获得了蒙台梭利研究的研究生学位,在 military and spent a year in seminary. He enjoys spending time with his wife, reading and making pilgrimages. As a counselor, Tommy is passionate about the central role 这种关系可以帮助我们过上充实的生活,并首先看到问题 through a relational lens. He is excited for this opportunity to serve the UD community and looks forward to meeting with you.


Supervised by Johnathan M. Sumpter, MBA, MA, LPC-S

Debbie K.

Isabella de Cardenas, B.S.

Fluent in English and Spanish.
My name is Isabella, a Cuban-American Californian turned Texan. I moved to Texas 8 years ago to get my B.S. in Applied Physiology and Health Management at SMU. After 在大流行期间,我在急诊室工作,我发现对心理健康的需求更大 以及家庭治疗,这促使我改变了医学院的学习计划 a Master's in Marriage and Family Therapy at Northwestern University. I am a UD clinical 实习生热衷于教人们如何识别模式,建立力量 from within, and grow in confidence. My approach is kind and encouraging while working through challenges. I look forward to meeting and working as a team for your best success.

Zofia DangZofia Dang, B.A.

Fluent in English and Vietnamese.

Zofia was born and grew up in Vietnam. She came to the US with her family in 2015. 她毕业于北德克萨斯大学,获得心理学学士学位 minor in addiction studies. She is currently pursuing a master’s in counseling at 她将于2024年8月完成她的学位. Zofia也是永久帮助之母教区青年部的领导者 并且对帮助社区中的年轻人建立联系和成长有着极大的热情 spiritually. 拥有一颗创造性的心和在达拉斯艺术治疗(理查森)的实践经验, TX),她愿意用表达来陪伴她的客户度过他们的治愈之旅 art therapy.

Nathan Dickey

Nathan Dickey, B.A.

内森毕业于杨百翰大学,获得历史学士学位,目前 pursuing a master of psychology at UD. He has lived abroad doing volunteer work, taught 基本的西班牙语和教学技能,以传教士和辅导青年在一个住宅 treatment center. His clinical experience primarily involved working with young men 与焦虑、抑郁、强迫症、注意力缺陷多动症和与技术相关的成瘾作斗争的人. 内森乐于帮助周围的人认识到他们的价值观并以此为生 them with greater devotion. Some of his interests include philosophy, indie music, hiking, landscape photography and video games.

Phu NguyenPhu Nguyen, B.A.


Phu毕业于北德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校,获得文学学士学位 心理学,目前正在攻读临床心理健康理学硕士学位 Counseling at University of North Texas at Dallas. She is currently a UD clinical intern with a strong desire to help individuals navigate life's challenges. She find 见证支持、指导和价值带来的变革性影响的满足感 each individual's unique journey. Her joy stems from offering a compassionate ear, sharing insights, and facilitating personal growth. She welcomes the chance to support 其他人在自我发现和治愈的旅程中,知道她是特权 to contribute to the resilience and well-being of others.


Matthew TerraMatthew Terra, B.S.

马修毕业于德克萨斯大学泰勒分校,获得化学学士学位 她目前正在攻读临床心理学硕士学位. 他曾在麦克尼斯州立大学担任全职天主教传教士 洛杉矶查尔斯湖大学,最近担任本科招生顾问 at UD. Aside from spending time with his wife and two dogs, he enjoys listening to 民间音乐,健身,参观精酿啤酒厂,最重要的是关系越来越亲密 to Christ through prayer and the sacraments. Matthew looks forward to serving the 强调同理心、同情心和对希望的理解 of healing and greater well-being.

(Non-Clinical Professional Interns)


(Accepting applications for 2023-2024)