Academic Internship Credit

Academic Internship Credit



实习| GST/BUS 3V57或专业特长

This course requires students to reflect upon their work or internship experience in relation to their UD education in order to help them become more valuable contributors in their chosen field. 学生将根据他们的课程文件获得学分 internship experience, observations, and results, number of hours worked, and satisfactory 主管的评估. 学生必须已经获得批准 opportunity, wherein the student will be supervised by an employee of the organization. Students must be working during the semester term in order to qualify to receive course credit. 过去的工作经验不能获得课程学分.

Graded Pass/No Pass.







How to Register Your Internship for Course Credit (Step-by-Step Guide)


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


Business Practicum vs. Business Internship Credit 


To satisfy the requirements of the Business Practicum Experience, students must complete 至少工作400小时. 这门课程由商学院开设 by Dr. Dale Fodness. To sign up, 您可以在这里填写表格. 

Business students can double dip and receive internship credit and Business Practicum credit if they wish for upper-level elective credit towards their degree plan. The internship course is instructed by Career Development under Christina Nguyen. To sign 请在“握手”上完成您的注册. 


Business minors need to sign up for before they begin their internship for BUS3v57 由Christina Nguyen领导的职业发展部协助.  To sign up, please complete 您在Handshake上的注册. 这是本课程唯一的注册流程. 


Learning objectives are designed to clearly state what a student will learn during the internship. 目标应该反映学生希望达到的目标 by the end of internship. 

Learning objectives are goals that you are trying to achieve in your internship. Goals must be specific, measurable, time-bound, and be able to be evaluated by a supervisor. For example: 




  • Analyze and research data
  • 平均每天预约4次
  • 收集和分析数据,为管理层提供报告
  • Demonstrate efficiency in management of legal records, client files, and storage systems.
  • 了解不同的业务运作.  以小组项目/完成情况来衡量 cross-training.
  • 学习并完成入职流程
  • Learn and excel in Google SEO
  • 学习如何制定正式的营销策略计划
  • Learn how to fill out a tax form without help from the partners, as well as what each document means.
  • Learn how to operate a front desk with greeting guests and transferring them among other duties simultaneously.
  • 学习如何在一个团队中为一个产品编程
  • Learn more about the financial services industry and create good relationships with my associates.
  • 每天至少打30个销售电话
  • 计划、执行和领导每月一/两次的活动
  • 学习如何在专业的日常基础上与客户互动. 


We want to know what you are learning in your internship and how it is shaping your professional development. 向我们提供有关项目的具体细节 you're working on, the skills that you are acquiring and/or honing, and how your experience 塑造你自己的职业发展吗. 



  • 你最初几天的第一反应是什么? What are you looking forward to? 有什么出乎意料的吗?
  • 你在这次实习中最大的挑战是什么?


  • 到目前为止,你实现了哪些目标?  你还需要实现哪些目标?  Have you changed any of your goals?
  • How has your perception of the internship/organization changed since you started the internship?
  • What steps have you taken to address the challenges and disappointments that you identified 在你早期的日记中?
  • 这次实习有什么让你惊讶的地方?
  • 你做了什么让你的上司的日子好过些?
  • 作为一名实习生,你认为你最大的特点是什么?
  • 你觉得你可以用什么方法来提高自己的表现?
  • 你对糟糕的一天或失望有什么反应?  How would you like to react?

At the end of your internship...

  • 你是如何实现这次经历的目标的?
  • 通过这次经历,你对自己有了什么了解?
  • 你对这次经历的期望现实吗?  Why or why not?
  • 你在这次实习中最大的成功是什么?
  • 这段经历给你带来了怎样的改变?
  • What have you done that you didn’t ever think you would be able to do?
  • What changes would you make if you had the chance to do this over again?
  • How are you different than you were when you started this experience?
  • 你对公司最大的成功或贡献是什么?
  • 你从这次经历的挑战中学到了什么?
  • What recommendations would you give to other students doing an internship at this location?

To ensure that an experience is educational, and thus eligible to be considered a legitimate internship by the 全国大学和雇主协会,必须符合下列所有条件:

  • The experience must be an extension of the classroom: a learning experience that provides 运用在课堂上学到的知识. 它绝不能仅仅是前进 the operations of the employer or be the work that a regular employee would routinely perform.
  • The skills or knowledge learned must be transferable to other employment settings.
  • The experience has a defined beginning and end, and a job description with desired qualifications.
  • There are clearly defined learning objectives/goals related to the professional goals 学生的学术课程.
  • There is supervision by a professional with expertise and educational and/or professional 在该领域的背景经验.
  • 有经验丰富的主管提供例行反馈. 
  • There are resources, equipment, and facilities provided by the host employer that 支持学习目标.

How do I register or can I sign-up for major-specific credit for my internship? 
Please contact the department chair to see if you are eligible to receive course credit for your internship. 

All supervisors and instructors should be able to approve your internship experience within 2 business days. 一旦获得批准,请允许再增加5个 处理您的注册所需的工作日.

Minimum of 6 weeks.

为了获得实习学分,我要先去注册主任那里吗? / I tried registering 在Banner上,为什么我不能注册? 
No, please stop by Career Development in Farrell Hall Room 204 with any questions. You will register for the course via Handshake and Career Development will process your registration.

我上学期实习过. 我还能获得课程学分吗? 
No. The course requires that you be working while registered for the course. The university cannot award retroactive credit for an internship you completed in the past. 

我在录取日期后得到了一份实习工作. Can I still sign up? 
In rare cases, yes. If you think you will receive an internship offer after the add/drop date, you must notify Career Development BEFORE the add/drop deadline. Email Christina Nguyen at

What is the process for an undergraduate international student completing an internship in the United States?
In addition to registering for course credit through our office, you will also have to follow the CPT application steps as highlighted by the International Student Services Office.


You must be a sophomore (at least 30 credit hours have been completed).


Can I decline an internship? 
Yes, you can. We ask that you provide information as to why it is not approved or provide steps that the student needs to take in order to be approved. 

Yes, you can. In the approval process, please dictate which assignments you want to assign or add comments in the approval process so that OPCD staff can make adjustments. 

不,所有的批准都将通过握手的方式以电子方式完成. Students will provide OPCD with your email address so that you may receive the approval request in your email inbox. If you do not receive the email, please contact Christina Nguyen at 


How much time do I have to approve the internship and learning objectives? 


What is Internship Credit & How Do I Get it at UD?
