


How does the 云顶集团 accommodate individual students with disabilities?

云顶集团 is committed to facilitating students with disabilities access to and participation in the University's programs, events, classes, and administrative 活动. 对适合学生的具体住宿进行评估 在个人的基础上,以便最好地帮助学生.

In order to ascertain the accommodations that are appropriate for an individual student, the student should submit a request for specific accommodations, as well as supporting 文档. 请求和文件将由学生残疾评估 服务委员会. 学生可以通过提交他或她的请求来开始这个过程 在网上 safarinautique.com/ada-request.

Will I receive the same disability accommodations in college that I received in high 学校?

It is difficult to say without reviewing the accommodations you received and the 文档 支持这些住宿.

While the ADA and Section 504 apply at both the high 学校 and college levels, they 不以完全相同的方式申请. 美国教育部 has provided a helpful guide for students that explains some of the important differences between the way disability accommodations apply in the high 学校 and college environments. 那本指南可以找到 在这里.

Regardless, any 文档 and information you have relating to disability accommodations in high 学校 may be useful in determining the accommodations that would be appropriate 为你在UD.


第一步是提交残疾人住宿申请. 残障设施 are generally submitted online, through the University's online request form, which 是可用的 在这里. 但是,您也可以联系 学生残疾服务 协调员直接. 随时打电话,发邮件,或者有任何问题来找我 关于残疾人住宿流程.

What factors are used in determining whether to grant a disability accommodation?

Requests for any and all accommodations will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis with approval being based on two factors: (1) Is the accommodation requested appropriate? (2)是否合理? 住宿的设计是为了让学生见面 the same essential elements of their selected program that are required of all students, 有或没有残疾.

What sort of 文档 do I need in order to receive disability accommodations?

的 following 文档 guidelines are used to verify the student's disabling 条件(s):

  • A clear diagnostic statement that describes how the condition was diagnosed, information about the functional impact, and suggestions of appropriate accommodations provided by a licensed or otherwise properly credentialed professional who has undergone appropriate and comprehensive training, has relevant experience, and has no personal relationship 个体被评估.
  • All 文档 must be on official letterhead, typed, and signed by the professional. Diagnosis written on prescription pads, handwritten, or stamped with a signature will 不被接受.
  • 文档应该是最新的. 常识和判断力将用于接受 永久的或不变的条件的旧文件. 然而,在大多数情况下 cases, the 文档 should not be more than three years old and in some cases 应该是更近期的.

此外, 学生残疾服务 Committee has developed guidelines and verification forms to assist students in gathering 为某些残疾和住宿要求提供适当的文件. 你 能找到指南和验证表格吗 在这里.

Finally, while each institution conducts its own evaluation, you may find it useful to see the more detailed (and frequently disability specific) guidelines provided 由负责SAT考试的美国大学理事会(College Board)颁发. 这些指导方针是可用的 在这里.


Yes, it is possible to receive accommodations relating to specialized dietary needs.

Students who have specialized dietary 请求 that are not based a disability should consult an Aramark representative to discuss how to customize their eating experience 根据他们的具体要求. 爱玛客能够满足许多专业的饮食需求 请求. 更多信息请访问 在这里.

Students who have specialized dietary 请求 that are based on a disability can consult an Aramark representative, but should also submit a disability accommodation 请求 学生残疾服务 协调员 在这里.


Yes, it is possible to request an exemption from the meal plan based on a disability. 请求应提交给 学生残疾服务 协调员 在这里.

Requests based on specialized dietary needs are treated as 请求 for an accommodation 以便接受专门的饮食. 因此, 学生残疾服务 Committee will review the request to determine whether the supporting 文档 确定特定饮食的医疗/残疾原因. 的 学生残疾服务 委员会然后提出以饮食为基础的住宿建议.

的 student presents the Committee's recommendation to an Aramark representative to 检讨及评论. 爱玛客代表将承认爱玛客 cannot provide the 推荐以饮食为基础的住宿 or that it can provide the 推荐以饮食为基础的住宿.

的 student then submits the recommendation and acknowledgement form to the Office 学生宿舍,以决定适当的住宿.



第一个在美国云顶集团(云顶集团)设有机构账户 Bookshare,为符合条件的残疾人士提供免费服务.

第二个, all 云顶集团 students have access to the Irving Public 图书馆, including 其精选的有声读物通过 喧闹. 请联系云顶集团的一位学生 图书馆员 为了在欧文公共图书馆开个账户.

第三在美国,有很多以营利为目的的优质有声读物来源,比如 听得见的.com.

为协助学生,学生残疾服务已编制 links to audio versions of texts and editions that are frequently used in various courses.