Computer and Network Usage Policy

Computer and Network Usage Policy


Users of computing resources at the University of Dallas (UD) have access to valuable university facilities, to sensitive data and to external networks. Consequently, it is important for all users to behave in a responsible, ethical and legal manner. In general, appropriate use means respecting the rights of other computer users, the integrity of the physical facilities and all pertinent license and contractual agreements.

These guidelines apply to all users of UD computing resources. Users include, but are not limited to, staff, faculty, visiting faculty, students, and external individuals and/or organizations. UD computing resources are those resources that are owned or managed by UD and include, but are not limited to, central computing facilities and servers, laboratories, campus networking, local-area networks, electronic mail, access to the Internet, and departmental workstations.

Guidelines for appropriate use

The following list, while not exhaustive, provides some specific guidelines for responsible and ethical behavior:

  • 授权: Individual students, faculty and staff members of the University of Dallas may be issued a user account to access one or more computing resources. The proper use of a user account is the responsibility of the individual under whose name it has been 分配. Use only the computers, computer accounts and computer files for which you have authorization. Do not use another individual's ID or account, or attempt to capture or guess other users' passwords. Users are individually responsible for all use of resources 分配 to them.
  • 访问: Do not attempt to access restricted portions of the operating system, or other software unless explicitly authorized by the appropriate university personnel. 闯入 computers is explicitly a violation of UD rules of conduct, no matter how weak the protection is on those computers.
  • 使用: Use UD's computing facilities and services for university related work. 资源 may not be utilized for commercial use, product advertisement, or any other form of revenue generating activities unrelated to UD. Users may not participate in computing activities that place an undue burden on UD computer or network resources.
  • 值: Treat computing resources and electronic information as the valuable university resources 它们是. Set an appropriate password and change it regularly. 不要破坏 or damage any computing equipment, networks or software.
  • 病毒: Do not willfully introduce computer viruses into the UD computing environment or into other computing environments via UD's network.
  • 隐私: Respect the privacy and personal rights of others. Do not access or copy another user's electronic mail, data, programs, or other files without permission.
  • 礼貌: Use appropriate standards of civility when using computing systems to communicate with other individuals. When sending personal messages to other users, always identify yourself as the sender. Using UD's computing resources to harass other individuals is explicitly prohibited.
  • 版权: Abide by all applicable copyright laws and licenses. Both university policies and the law expressly forbid the copying of software that has not been placed in the public domain or distributed as "freeware" or "shareware."
  • 法律: Abide by all state and federal laws.


The appropriate computing department may revoke user privileges of anyone who has abused the computing resources, has gained unauthorized access to computing resources, or has otherwise disobeyed these policies. If further actions are deemed appropriate, officials of the University of Dallas and of state and federal agencies may be notified.